Sponsorship is possible in all of our missions in Zimbabwe, in Bangladesh, in Mexico and in Brazil.

Sponsoring a child from the OLS missions, allows you to bring a real change in the life of someone who will be forever linked to you with affection and gratitude. Thanks to a regular economic support, a child will have the opportunity to improve the quality of life, to study in schools that are safe and provide a good education, which in turn will help children to grow up and build a future for themselves.

Sponsorship involves a regular (annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly) donation with which the sponsors commit to help a boy or a girl to cover the expenses related to their maintenance (in the case of children adopted within an orphanage or community homes) or for their school attendance (books, school fees, uniform…).

The Sponsor will receive a picture of the child with a brief presentation and occasional update on his/her progress in school.  The sponsor will be notified if the child leaves the school or complete the program.

The suggested sponsorship is of $ 300 for a year provided as:

  • a single payment in January ($ 300.00);

  • every 6 months, in January and July ($ 150,00);

  • every 3 months, in January, April, July, October ($ 75,00);

  • once every month (€ 25,00)

Moreover, a sponsorship can be share among more donors or can be a “one-time” donation of which the sponsor will decide the amount and the choice of school or activity to benefit from the donation.