Don Vitale had an intense life of prayer and apostolate, he was a preacher of spiritual exercises (he held two courses at the Conservatory of Coriano), Lenten Lent and popular missions, rector of the seminary of Pennabilli and in 1827 he entered the Congregation of the Philippine Fathers in Fossombrone (PU) wishing since the early years of his priesthood to retire completely, but he was prevented by his bishop. This choice did not prevent him from continuing his intense activity. 
His guidance not only guided Mother Elisabetta in the spiritual field but certainly also in the government of the Institute. Canossa judged him to be a man wholly of God, “a person so holy and so worthy”.

He had a particular devotion to the Passion of Christ, to the Sacred Heart and to Our Lady of Sorrows. (cf. Positio pp. 25-27) Don Vitale in his preaching had had frequent contacts with the Monastery of Mondaino and also with other monasteries of the Diocese of Rimini and Montefeltro, including that of Pietrarubbia where he had gone several times. Therefore, he had had the opportunity to understand the spirit of the preaching and to make the necessary evaluations.